Beginner Bass Base: The Ionian, Mixolydian, Dorian & Aeolian

Recognizing each scale’s unique sound is essential skills for all musicians

Beginner Bass Base: The Ionian, Mixolydian, Dorian & Aeolian

Recognizing each scale’s unique sound is essential skills for all musicians

Signaling your emotions and moods to the world around you, you provide subtle and not-so-subtle clues via your facial expressions. When you’re happy and you want everyone to know it, you raise the corners of your lips into a smile. When you’re sad, you lower them. Your mouth may open when you’re showing surprise. Let’s not forget the baring of the teeth when things get…intense. All it takes to show your emotions and moods is a small change in your face. Musicians convey their emotions and moods through their choice of notes. They use subtle changes to produce harmony that sounds happy (major), sad (minor), intense (Mixolydian) — or, they may surprise you with a combination (like Dorian). Certain notes lowered or raised by a half-step have the power to suddenly take a musical phrase into a new direction: from happy to sad, from mild to intense, from smooth to edgy, and vice versa. Training your ears enables you to create all kinds of musical moods. Since music is rooted in s
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