As the world continues to recover from the Coronavirus, we’re all finding ourselves in unfamiliar territory given the subsequent lockdown that is keeping us off of stages and confined to our homes. Luckily, there’s comfort in the fact that we’re all in this together, and that there are still many outlets for us musicians to keep us active and sane throughout this quarantine. We’re checking in with bass players from all over the world to see what they’re doing to stay entertained, healthy, productive, and safe during this trying time.
Bass Player: Nadja Peulen
Bands & Artists: Coal Chamber
Home: Los Angeles, California

How have you been passing time during the lockdown?
I’ve been thinking a lot, organizing, meditating, listening to music and podcasts, and seeing a handful of lockdown friends to keep me sane.
What have you been working on in terms of your bass practice routine?
I haven’t been working on music much. Our industry has been hit very hard and I truly hope we can bring it back. I keep thinking this is the perfect time to write and get creative but the uncertain future and overall energy is not inspiring to me.
What music, songs, recordings, artists, bass players have you been listening to as a source of comfort and inspiration that you can recommend?
I’m reliving my past and am currently in a full-on ’90s mood. Music always heals and brings back so many memories. I’ve been listening to Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Faith No More, Raging Slab, and Monster Magnet.
What bass gear have you been playing and trying out?
I’m still very happy with my Mesa Boogie M9 Carbine and my Schecter basses. Occasionally I revisit the good ol’ Electro-Harmonix Big Muff pedal.
What non-music activities, books, shows, movies, or workout recommendations do you have?
I do Transcendental Meditation and I try to go on hikes and walks. I don’t watch much TV so I don’t have any recommendations.
What projects do you have coming up when the world gets going again?
If touring resumes in the future, I hope to be doing that, as well as film my podcast/show, “Sonic Dominion.” The current social distancing guidelines don’t really support my vision of the show, so it’s pushed back, unfortunately.
What advice can you offer fellow bassists for staying positive and keeping morale high?
The main thing would be to stay mentally and physically healthy. Keep your eyes and mind open, and question everything.
Follow Nadja: Here
Read all 180+ Bass Magazine Check-in Features: Here
All check-ins compiled and edited by Jon D’Auria & Chris Jisi