Matthews Effects Releases the Futurist MIDI Controller

The Futurist is not limited to controlling MIDI; analog equipment can be controlled by virtual analog control outputs integrated into the device

Matthews Effects Releases the Futurist MIDI Controller

The Futurist is not limited to controlling MIDI; analog equipment can be controlled by virtual analog control outputs integrated into the device

The Futurist is a unique, compact MIDI controller pedal that pioneers a better way of experiencing MIDI. Built on the core ambitions to make MIDI easier, more accessible, and to provide strong features, The Futurist, strives to bring you the innovations of tomorrow today.

The Futurist is not limited to controlling MIDI; analog equipment can be controlled by virtual analog control outputs integrated into the device. With expandability and versatility in mind, an expression pedal can be used to send MIDI expression, or 3 additional footswitches can be added to expand The Futurist’s capabilities from 4 switches to 7. Download the “Matthews Effects Editor” software to update The Futurist’s firmware, organize presets and create new ones using the custom “Smart Editor” wizard that makes creating MIDI messages a breeze. Whether programming it from a computer or making some last-minute edits before a show, we want you to have the best MIDI experience possible. We welcome you to a new world of endless possibilities, The Futurist is here.

MIDI Features: 

Patches – send 16 messages per patch as well as patch specific Expression, Utility Jack and MIDI Clock settings with a total of 210 patches available.
Unique Patch Names – Each patch can be given a unique 8 digit name for quick reference on the home screen.
Message Types – The Futurist has built in shortcuts for programming PC, CC, Note On and Note Off messages as well as a “Manual” option to program any kind of MIDI message making The Futurist accessible to those who are new to MIDI and also robust enough for veterans. Send any kind of MIDI message.
Custom Message Slots – A big frustration with MIDI is keeping track of all the different messages for your gear. With the custom message slots, you only need to look it up once. With 10 nameable Custom Message Slots it is quick and easy to setup a new preset with your most used MIDI messages.


USB – Midi communication over USB, manage presets and update firmware (with Matthews Effects Editor), and power The Futurist.
Midi In/Out – connect directly to devices that use a TRS connection for MIDI and can be used with adapters to connect to 1/4″ MIDI connections.
5 pin Midi In/Out – Connect to devices that use the traditional 5 pin midi connector. The jack can be internally set to be an In or Out connection with dip switches. Default set to output.
Utility Jack – Configurable to send analog tap tempo signals or as a latching or momentary switch.
Control Jack – Plug in an expression pedal to dynamically send Control Change messages over MIDI or configure the jack to accept 3 additional switches to expand the functionality of the futurist.

Software Features: Launching with The Futurist is our own Matthews Effects Editor software that comes packed full of features to make your life with MIDI as easy and effective as possible!

Organize Patches – Fully edit any patch from any bank on the Futurist and edit each patches 16 messages and patch specific Expression, Utility Jack and MIDI Clock settings from the comfort of your computer.
Smart Editor Wizard – Programming MIDI has never been easier or more accessible! Simply choose the Make, Product, the action you want to take, program and it will automatically generate the needed message! Let us worry about how MIDI works so you can focus on creating music!
Global Settings Control – Adjust all global settings and features on the Futurist from your computer.
Custom Messages – Save messages into custom slots with unique names to quickly program your favorite functions eliminating the need to constantly look them up when programming a new patch. Edit the custom messages on your device and keep an expanded list saved in the Matthews Effects editor software on your computer.
Share Patches and Custom Messages – Export and share your patches and custom messages with the community and help us make MIDI even more accessible to everyone!
Update Firmware – Use the Matthews Effects Editor to update your devices firmware.


LEDS – Indicates which patch was selected last or will display the tap BPM.
Switch 1 – Activates the first patch of each bank, Bank Up/Bank Down when held down or (pressed in conjunction with Switch 4) open Main Settings Menu. When inside menus, Switch 1 will scroll/move you left or decrease your menu selection.
Switch 2 – Activates the second patch of each bank. When inside menus, Switch 2 will cancel the selection, move back to previous menu, or exit to home screen if in the main menu.
Switch 3 – Activates the third patch of each bank. When inside menus, Switch 3 will move you right or increase your menu selection.
Switch 4 – Activates the fourth patch of each bank. When inside menus, Switch 4 is used to enter different menus or confirm values/options.

$229.99 street

For more visit: Matthews Effects

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