Watch The Bass Bash Live Bergantino Forte Head and NXV Cabinet Demo

Jody Miller and Marc Najjar demo the the latest from Bergantino during Bass Bash Live 2021

Watch The Bass Bash Live Bergantino Forte Head and NXV Cabinet Demo

Jody Miller and Marc Najjar demo the the latest from Bergantino during Bass Bash Live 2021

Here is a clip from Bass Bash Live 2021 presented by Bass Magazine. In this live demo The Bass Nerds go through the Bergantino Forte Head and NXV Cabinets. This is a powerful rig and these cabinets are AMAZING! Lots of clarity and definition in a lightweight package. 

The full Bass Bash is on our youtube channel (HERE) where we go through GK Amps, Spector, Solid Gold FX and MORE.

For more on Bergantino: Click Here 

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Bass Magazine   By: Bass Magazine