Hot off a workbench in the fiery pits of hell, Von Frankenstein Monster Gear™ introduces new Beastmode™ Nickel Plated Bass Strings. The latest creation of a company formed by legendary guitarist Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein and long-time industry insider Josh Vittek and his company, Sheptone®, Beastmode Nickel Plated Bass Strings are made from real USA steel and are handcrafted one at a time for killer tone and brutal durability. Players will leave blood on their axe before one of these strings breaks. With four sets to choose from, players can find just the right fit to go absolutely Beastmode.
Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein, legendary guitarist of the punk-crusading Misfits, knows the trials and tribulations of using strings that can’t survive what he unleashes. During his 2022 Latin America Abomination Tour, he slayed sold-out venues while playing his signature Von Frankenstein Nickel Plated Electric Guitar Strings, introduced early last year. Doyle now wants his bass player fans and fiends to enjoy this same feel and durability, with strings made using the same reliable process.
Vittek and the tone freaks at Sheptone happily answered Doyle’s rallying cry of “Can you handle Beastmode™?” They applied the same handcrafting process to these Nickel Plated Bass Strings, starting with a hard tempered hex core and a meticulously wound nickel plated wrap. The string is wound at tensions and speeds accurately dialed in to provide the best-performing string possible. This process leaves each string feeling and playing like a dream, even when the player is delivering a musically brutal beating on stage or in the studio.
It’s a process that takes time and thought, but Doyle wouldn’t have it any other way. Avoiding rushing and mass production ensures the quality, feel, and durability required by the most discerning of tone freaks.
Four sets of Beastmode Nickel Plated Bass Guitar Strings are available and designed for long scale bass guitars. Each string is individually sealed and labeled in its own anti-corrosion bag. Players can choose the pack that feels best: #AB4505 has medium light gauges (.045/.065/.085/.105); #AB5005 is medium (.050/.070/.085/.105), #AB5010 is medium heavy at (.050, .070, .090, .110); and #AB5525 is heavy gauge (.055, .075, .095, .125).
The only thing that comes between a player and their bass is a set of strings, and Beastmode Nickel Plated Bass Strings will leave players abominating all others, without blowing up their tone.
Starting at $28.99.
For a closer look and to learn more about Von Frankenstein Monster Gear, visit www.vonfrankensteinmonstergear.com