TC Electronic Releases the Magnus Pro Distortion/Overdrive Pedal

Classic High Gain Distortion Pedal with Fat Mids, Treble Filter Control and 3 Clipping Modes

TC Electronic Releases the Magnus Pro Distortion/Overdrive Pedal

Classic High Gain Distortion Pedal with Fat Mids, Treble Filter Control and 3 Clipping Modes

TC Electronic: If you’ve ever needed a Classic Analog High Gain Distortion Pedal but been unable to find one with enough versatility to suit any scenario, the MAGUS PRO will be a very welcome surprise for you. Its slow slew rate, treble filter control, and three different modes of operation provide more than enough variance in approach and tone to compliment any playing style.

Slow Slew Circuitry

We’ve specially designed a circuit to recreate the classic slow slew of the infamous LM308 op-amp using readily available modern components. By keeping the slew rate slow, harsh unwanted harmonic overtones and interference are eliminated, leaving you with a smooth layer of pure distortion whilst cranking the gain.

Filter That Treble to Your Needs

One particularly distinctive feature of the MAGUS PRO is the Treble Filter control. It’s an extremely effective Hi-cut filter, allowing you to totally tailor your top end bite.

Three for the Price of One!

 CLASSIC MODE takes us to a world of oldskool, high gain, punchy mids and a gripping tight bottom end.

TURBO MODE meanwhile engages LED clipping diodes for greater headroom, less saturation and higher output level.

FAT MODE gives the low end a boost while re-shaping the upper mids for that ultimate hard rock tone.

Warm Sustain for Days

When you punch in MAGUS PRO as a solo boost, evenly balanced harmonic resonance produces effortless and lasting sustain to take you way over the horizon. It’ll also provide musical feedback when required at high gain settings, whilst its slow slew rate keeps unwanted sizzle at bay. All delivered with a warmth and tone you’d expect from only the finest analog circuitry. 

True Bypass

True bypass ensures you keep a totally pure signal and retain the integrity of your instrument’s tone when the pedal is not in use.

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