“To the listeners out there, this CD is a great example that two can make great music!” – Ron Carter
This unique compilation of songs ranges from free improv/conversation-style to DeSpiritu-tone rows by Hildegard von Bingen, a German abbess who lived from 1098-1179. She used music to heal people by singing “tone rows” to them. Included are some standards from the American Song Book and original songs by Rodney Jordan and Christian Fabian. The song “432” has the overtone series on the bass with overdubs to the 7th.
The entire recording was done in A=432hz, the original tuning of A up until Mozart’s time. There was a belief that the original tuning g of A at 432hz has a healing effects on the listener’s body. We were both intrigued by this notion and thought the best way to find out would be to do a recording in this old tuning to see if it resonated with the listener. Our goal was to bring back the 432 healing frequencies and introduce some meditative improvisations in combination with songs.

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