Right before MonoNeon released his “Quilted Stereo” album, he said to himself… “let me sit down in front of my Moog synth and experiment with some shiet… whateva the fyuck harmonies.” MonoNeon is known for his bass playing of course and recently his quirky singing style but he has a knack for finding a voice in whatever he does and the “MonoNeon On Synthesizer” album is a prime example of MonoNeon living by his 2nd and 6th statement in his manifesto (2. Let em’ hear and see where ya at… no matter what journey you’re on)
(6. autonomy, determination, imagination…).
MonoNeon played the newly released Moog Muse synth.
Link to album: https://dywanethomasjr.bandcamp.com/album/mononeon-on-synthesizer