Backstage Bass: Clay Gober of Polyphia

We linked up with the progressive rocker to check out his gear and chat about his life in the band

Backstage Bass: Clay Gober of Polyphia

Photos by Chuy Gutierrez

We linked up with the progressive rocker to check out his gear and chat about his life in the band

We caught up with Polyphia’s bassist, Clay Gober, during their “Remember You Will Die” tour at Terminal 5 in New York City. Clay treated us to an expletive-laden run-through of his entire stage setup before sitting down for a brief pre-show interview. Watch the video below to discover what it takes to hold down the low end alongside virtuoso guitarists Tim Henson and Scott Lepage, and drummer Clay Aeschliman.

For more on Polyphia: Click Here

Follow Clay: Here

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Ben Hyman   By: Ben Hyman

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