Straddling alternative and lo-fi electronic expressions inflected with Dane Sandborg’s broad array of influences, his hugely atmospheric debut album was warmly received with much acclaim. Arroyo Low’s inspiration came from the bucolic Three Rivers, California, to where Dane retreated during the early pandemic – “I was just really enveloped and influenced by the space and the calm that that isolation was able to create.” Highly collaborative, with both musician friends and visual artists, Arroyo Low has blossomed into an unusually authentic multimedia expression driven by emotion rather than ambition. “It all kind of just revealed itself,” Dane recalled.
Arroyo Low’s Intentions EP is a collection of works recorded in the fall of 2022; including live performances from his residency at the Del Monte Speakeasy. Dane describes the EP as a “evolution of the project, i’m expanding on the first album and really pulling the influences out of playing with a live band. I wrote and experimented with so many new ideas in the course of my residency and plan to continue.” Incorporating samplers, sampled drums, and improvisational sojourns; pulling from a range of influences and collaborations; Arroyo Low’s “Intentions” EP is a preview of what’s to come on his second album expected in the fall of 2023.
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